

The Woodland Crofts Partnership

The Woodland Crofts Partnership is a partnership between the Community Woodlands Association, the Scottish Crofting Federation and The Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust.

Community Woodlands Association
The direct representative body of Scotland’s community woodland groups

Scottish Crofting Federation
The only member-led organisation dedicated to promoting crofting

Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust
A registered charity helping rural communities secure long term solutions to their local housing needs


Forestry & Timber Organisations

Reforesting Scotland
Restoring the land and the people: aiming to restore Scotland’s forest cover and culture

Association of Scottish Hardwood Sawmillers
Promoting Scottish hardwoods to the Scottish market

Non-timber forest products in Scotland

Forest Policy Group
Independent think-tank for sustainable forestry

Scottish Woodlot Association
Empowering people to rent small forest lots for timber production

Forestry Contracting Association
Representing businesses & individuals in the forestry contracting sector

Continuous Cover Forestry Group
Promoting the transformation of even-aged plantations to structurally, visually and biologically diverse woodlands

Promoting the forestry and wood using industries


Community Organisations

Community Land Scotland
Representing Scotland’s new generation of community landowners

North West Mull Community Woodland Company
Community woodland on Mull & home to the first new community-based woodland crofts in Scotland

Kilfinan Community Forest
Community woodland in Tighnabruaich currently developing woodland crofts


Government Agencies

Forestry Commission Scotland
Forestry directorate of the Scottish Government. Woodland crofts information here

Crofting Commission
Statutory regulator for crofting

Highlands & Islands Enterprise
Supporting economic and community development. Woodland crofts information here



International Family Forestry Alliance
The global voice of family forestry

Nordic Family Forestry
Website for the Nordic Forest Owners’ Associations

Confederation of European Forest Owners
The representative of family forestry in Europe

Family Forest Research Center (USA)
Conducts research to help understand the social and economic dimensions of family forestry
